MS University, is an internationally renowned & one of the oldest centres of learning in western India situated in Vadodara. Every year it has around 10,000 to 15,000 new admissions in various faculties whereas around ~50,000 students are there considering all active batches of various programmes.
Out of which University hostels currently provides hostel facilities to around 4500 students.The software application is aimed to streamline the admission process of the university hostels considering the rigorous approval & verification process of each applicants.
Also the students are approved and allocated as per the fixed quota for respective faculties for boys and girls.
The process involves
The software will help students seeking hostel rooms to apply and have confirmation without coming to university premises and sitting at their homes.
On the University part the application will bring transparency to the hostel & room allocation process other than having meaningful reports directly from the software.
The whole project was accomplished in a very short span of time of one month.
It was very much possible due to the active support of VC - Dr. Parimal Vyas, Hon. Director(Computer Center) - Dr. Apurva Shah, System Analyst - Dr. Vinay Pandya & Chief Warden Vijay Parmar.
We are also thankful to all the hostel wardens & faculty members for acknowledging our efforts.
We had a successful demonstration of the software on 27-06-2016 and we made it live for students on 28-06-2016.
You can have a look at it by clicking on the following link:
If incase you are looking for similar or any other customized application for your school/college/university please drop an email at: